DISCOVERY DRILLING EQUIPMENT (UKRAINE), LTD. | | Industry | Other machine-building | Address | 82400, 41, Yavornitskogo Str., Stryi, Lviv Region | | | Private equipment and drilling rig manufacturing company serving the international oil industry. |
| NEPTUN COMPANY, LTD | | | | The "Neptune Company" is the only domestic manufacturer of chewing gum for children with stickers and tattoos for over 15 years in Ukraine. The company's products are certified in accordance with the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine. Manufacturing has a complete technological cycle of manufacturing line of chewing gum, comprising a preparatory forming and filling and packaging equipment manufactured by the German company Gabler and Pak Tek. Taste quality Swiss made (Switzerland), on the Belgian technology in the Turkish manner. At the moment, we produce chewing gum with stickers for children Blocks (100 pieces), and the package (5 pieces with a surprise). In early 2017, we plan to release another new brand of chewing gum and make a new format of the "arrow (spearment)" format and "love is".We always follow the interests and hobbies of children and adolescents. Topics stickers and registration packages are always relevant and interesting for children. Currently on the market released a new chewing gum with a gift. Products: -Chewing Gum with a sticker in the unitIn box there are 10 block ,in the block there are 100 chewing gums. Price: 1 piece: 0.11 $, 100 pieces (block) - $ 1, 1 box (1000 pcs.) - $ 11 USD. The price is subject to a minimum purchase of 1,000 boxes (EXW). - Chewing Gum in the bag with a surpriseThe package with the size of 16cm on 9sm.Fasovka 5 gum at 3.0 grams toy + (magnet, pins, hair clips, bracelets) Packages 4 colors .In box - 90 packages .Price $ 18 per box. Price for 1 package - $ 0.2Chewing gum is sold in a shop of bright Blocks within each chewing gum is a collectible sticker. For the price of our product has no competitors in the segment of quality / price. We produce high-quality products to the Turkish gum base. Our goods quickly turns around and you get income quickly by selling it. -Private Label - exclusive chewing gum with your brand and trademark, advertising on the packaging and labels (the party is not less than 1000 boxes) .Time of storage - 12 months form of payment bank transfer (prepayment). |
| BEAUTY AND HEALTH, LTD | | Industry | Pharmaceutical goods | Address | 61001, 12B, Somovskaya Str., Kharkov | | | Beauty and Health, Ltd. is one of the biggest manufacturer and distributor in the parapharmaceuticals group in Ukraine.We are one of the leading manufacturer of dietary supplements, healthcare and cosmetic products in Ukraine.We take a great pride in our ability to work with more than 2000 enterprises and organizations in Ukraine to manufacture the products at the highest quality and service levels available in the industry.Our manufacturing capabilities are supported by our specialists, client-facing new product development team. This team exist purely to deliver innovation to our clients and partners.Moreover, we would like to follow your interests and offer you a good quality, the customized packaging and a reasonable price!In addition, the main thrust is a personal approach to each client. |
| KRISTALL, VINNITSA JEWELRY, SC | | Industry | Multi-industrial event | Address | 21100, 21 600-letiya Str., Vinnitsa | | | Company's collection of jewellery offers a fantastic assortment of personal adornments made of gold and natural top-quality diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, and other precious gems. |
| METROPOLIYA, MANAGEMENT COMPANY, PE | | Industry | Other services | Address | 01032, 33-b T. Shevchenko Blvd., Kiev | | | Company specializes in management of the projects in power sector: external power distribution circuit construction; development of renewable sources of energy projects; conduction of scientific and technical studies; design (solving land allotment questions for power objects); support of licensing of private property objects in power sector; energy audit of entities; development of Join Implementation projects. |
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| PHARMSTANDART-BIOLEK, PJSC | | Industry | Pharmaceutical goods | Address | 61070, 70, Pomirky Str., Kharkiv | | | Pharmaceutical products. Diagnostic or laboratory reagents. Medications. Human and animal blood, immune serum (antysyrovatky) and factions, vaccines, toxins, cultures of microorganisms (except yeast). Pharmaceutical products. Diagnostic or laboratory reagents. Medications. Human and animal blood, immune serum (antysyrovatky) and factions, vaccines, toxins, cultures of microorganisms (except yeast). |
| VARIANT, FACTORY, LLC | | Industry | Other services | Address | 61070, 325 Shevchenka Str., Kharkiv | | | Equipment for agriculture, horticulture, forestry, poultry, or beekeeping for poultry incubators and brooder. Lamps and lighting equipment, including lights, lamps and parts, signs, luminescent, boards. Construction of steel and their parts (bridges and their sections), sheets rods, angles, pipes. |
| ECO-AVTO-TITAN, LLC | | Industry | Transportation | Address | 07400, 1 Scholkivska str., Brovary, Kyiv region | | | CJSC Eco-Auto-Titan export the fuel catalyst - is the epitome of the latest developments in the field of instrumentation. The technology used to reduce harmful gas emissions by an appropriate pretreatment of fuel has no analogues in the world. But for some of their functions, the analogs exist. In particular it concerns the functions to reduce emissions of harmful gases in the work of the internal combustion engine. Trials in Ukraine showed that the instrument in two or three times reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere from car exhausts, working in the domestic gasoline and provides fuel savings up to 26%. Among its clients are the giants of Russian business, as Gazprom and UES and Rosavtodor. |
| RESURSKOMPANI, LLC | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 91005, 18/46, A. Barbyusa Str., Lugansk | | | The company permanent sells coal products brand anthracite: ABC, AB, AM, AU, AL. We offer delivery by wagon and engine standards. |
| ODESSA MERCHANT SEA PORT, SE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 65026, 1, Tamozhennaya Square, Odessa | | | The port is located on the northwestern coast of the Black Sea in the southwestern part of Odessa gulf on 109.5 hectares of manmade territory. The port has 8 terminals which are equipped for operating different kinds of cargoes. It handles ferrous and non-ferrous metals, steel products, metal scrap, pig iron, ores, ore pellets, fertilizers, saw-timber, paper in rolls e.t.c. Special terminal with silo and cargo transporters for handling grain cargoes and raw sugar discharging is equipped at Odessa port. On the berths of Oil harbour loaded and discharged oil products, liquefied gas is loaded as well. Special terminals are fitted for handling base and tropical oils. Frozen cargoes and citrus fruits discharged and can stored in refrigerator warehouse at Odessa port. Container terminal is handling of all types containers and carried out full complex of accompanying services. The biggest Sea Passenger terminal in Ukraine situated in Odessa port. There are 42 protected berths with depth ranging from 6.2 to 13.5 m and a total length over 9 000 m. Only vessels up to 12 m draft and 240 m length, and 40 m breadth are allowed into the ports inner waters. Sea Passenger terminal can accommodate 5 passenger ships at the same time. The berths of Odessa Sea Passenger terminal allow to take modern passenger liners with length up to 272 m and draft up to 10.5 m. Odessa Marina adjoins to Sea Passenger terminal and can accommodate simultaneously about 80 yachts of various lengths. Odessa Marina is equipped with launches, storage and all necessary facilities for repairing and technical services of yachts. |
| NIKOLAEV MERCHANT SEA PORT, SE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 54004, 23, Zavodskaya Str., Nikolaev | | | Nikolaev Merchant Sea Port is situated on the left bank of the bend of Yuzhny Bug river, 35 km upper the place where the river flows into Dneprovsky Liman (estuary). The port is approached from the sea via the Bugsko-Dneprovsky Limansky Channel (BDLC) passing through the Dnepro-Bugsky Liman and Yuzhny Bug rivers. The port is specialized mainly in handling ferrous and non-ferrous metal, pig iron, pipes, ferroalloys, various ores, iron ore pellets, clays, equipment (incl. over size and heavy lifts), grain in bulk, packed cargoes, timber products. The port has 15 berths with the total length of 2920 m. Loaded draft in fresh water density is up to 10.3 m. The approaching Bugsko-Dneprovsky Limansky Channel has 13 bends, 6 of which pass through the Dneprovsky Liman and the others through the Yuzhny Bug river. It is 100 m wide and 11.2 m deep. |
| MARIUPOL MERCHANT SEA PORT, SE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 87510, 99, Admiral Lunin Av., Mariupol, Donetsk Reg. | | | The port is rightly called ‘Sea Gates of Donbass’. The port is situated 180 km, by land, from the big, industrial, Russian city of Rostov, which explains why about 50 per cent of all cargo handled by it is Russian. By the Volgo-Don Canal, the Mariinsk system, and the Belomor-Baltic Canal, the port is connected to all regions of Russia gravitating towards the Volga River, and thus also goes out to the Caspian, Baltic and White Seas. The port’s territory comprises 67,6 ha.; and the total length of its berthage is 3,2 km. The port’s capacities enable it to handle more than 12 million tons of cargo per year. The port provides handling all kinds of cargoes: bulk, dry-bulk, general, heavy-lifts, oversize cargo, liquid, containers, and others. The port has a special area to take lighter carriers vessels, and load/unload them in a closed water area. The port offers ‘board-on-board’ scheme residual fuel oil transshipment handling operations to ensure ecological safety. Unloading/loading frozen cargoes, diverse classes of dangerous cargoes, bulk fertilizers, are carried out by direct scheme. The specialized coal-loading complex enables it to handle up to 5 million tons of coal per year. It is equipped with railway truck tippers, conveyor lines, cargo handling devices, and defrosters for wagons. Its new and very dynamic container terminal provides high-speed handling of container carriers, and delivery of 20- and 40-foot containers by ‘door-to-door’ scheme; its capacity has now reached a turnover of 50,000 TEU per year. The international cargo-passenger complex has been put into operation. Its area is 2.1 hectares, its capacity is 130 people per voyage. There is a motor-depot in the port allowing it to carry out long-distance and foreign-road freightage. The port territory includes three cargo handling areas. Its berths nos. 3–13, and 15, 15a, and 16 are designed for handling general and bulk cargoes. Berth No.14 has a special coal handling complex. The port’s container terminal is situated at berths Nos. 15 and 16. These berths have a special complex for handling container cargoes, and total an area of 34,000 sq. m. They have three ship-to-shore container cranes. The mounted container crane can handle cargo from railway wagons and motor transport. Berths Nos. 1 and 2 are for handling passenger vessels and have a border checkpoint for passengers. The port also has a sea passenger terminal. The sheltered storage area is 15,300 sq. m; the open storage area is 200,600 sq. m. |
| KERCH MERCHANT SEA PORT, SE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 98312, 28, Kirov Str., Kerch, Crimea | | | The port can handle up to 2.5 million tons of cargo per year. The port has modern equipment, reloading devices and machinery to handle: general cargo (metal products, equipments, etc.); bulk cargo (ferro-alloys, cast iron, scrap metal, iron ore pellets); containers; wheel motor cars; bulk grain. In the port, there is 1handling terminal with 7 berths whose overall length is 1 224 m. The railway access lines enables cargo to be handled in both the front and back ends of the berths. The total open cargo storage area is 139 639 sq. m. The port’s 8 sheltered warehouses have the total area of 11 812 sq. m, and general cargo storage capacity of 82 987 tons. |
| ILLICHEVSK COMMERCIAL SEA PORT, SE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 68001, 6, Truda Square, Ilyichevsk, Odessa Reg. | | | Illichevsk Commercial Sea Port is situated on the coast of Sukhoy Liman (estuary), 12 miles southwest of Odessa. The port features specialized cargo facilities: Container terminal; Ore handling complex; Food liquid cargo handling complex; Grain handling complex; Fertilizers handling complex; Multimodal complex; Fuel terminal; Liquefied gas handling complex; Port offers specialized facilities for handling heavy lifts (max. 300 t ). Port has 29 berths, with the total length about 6 km and depth up to 13 m. Four railway access lines to the port and berths equipped with railway trucks (up to 10 lines into the territory) with he handling capacity up to 1,300 wagons a day. Port of Ilyichevsk is located in the deep water Sukhoy Liman, connected with the sea via approach channel which provides natural protection of port water area from waves and currents and is favourable for all the year round navigation. |
| IZMAIL MERCHANT SEA PORT, SE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 68600, 7, Portovaya Str., Izmail | | | The Izmail Merchant Sea Port is one of the modern and highly mechanized ports on the Danube River. The port can accommodate vessels that meet the following specifications: sea-going cargo ships with: deadweight up to 10,000–15,000 tons; draft in full load up to 7.2 m; and length up to 150 m. max. 30 m width.; river cargo ships with: deadweight of up to 5,000 tons; draft in full load up to 2.7–3.5 m; and length up to 150 m. The port has modern equipment, loading devices, and machinery for handling all kinds of incoming cargoes, such as: bulk, dry-bulk, packaged, and containers. The port is designed to handle up to 7.7 million tons of cargo per year. The territory of the port comprises 23 berths which extend for 2,534.2 m; the depth at the berths is from 3.5 m to 7.5 m. The port is divided into three cargo handling complexes, as follows. Complex No.1 (berths Nos.1–8) handles mostly packaged cargoes in bags, equipment, agricultural equipment, metals, packed cargoes, and grain with a total capacity of 1,205,000 tns per year. Complex No.2 (berths Nos.19–22) is intended for handling bulk cargoes: ore, coal, coke, concentrates, iron ore, pellets, metal products, and grain with a total capacity of 5,400,000 tns per year. Complex No.2 also includes a specialized container terminal (berths Nos.12–14), where ships with draft up to 6.5 m can be handled. The total length of the three container berths is 250 m., and there are nine gantry cranes with lifting capacity of 40 tns. 2,200 containers can be stored there, simultaneously. The cargo capacity of this container terminal is 660,000 tons cargoes per year. Complex No.3 (berths Nos.16–18, 23–26) handles bulk and general cargoes: equipment, coal, metal, ore, and grain. The transshipment of grain cargoes is carried out using Vigan type pneumatic handler, which can transfer 100 tns per hour. The port has at its disposal 8 sheltered warehouses whose total area is 24,300 sq. m. The open cargo storage area is 162,800 sq. m. |
| YEVPATORIA MERCHANT SEA PORT, SE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 97416, 1, Moryakov Square, Yevpatoriya, Crimea | | | The port is specialized in cargo-passenger shipments to Turkey. The port can handle 1.5 M t of cargo per year. The import-export Ferry Terminal can accommodate Ro-Ro vessels and handle up to 10 000 extra-heavy trucks annually. The total length of berthing line is 938 m. The length of passenger berthing line is 438 m. |
| BERDYANSK MERCHANT SEA PORT , SE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 71112, 13/7, Maxim Gorky Str., Berdyansk, Zaporozhye Reg. | | | Port Berdyansk is the only maritime transport junction in Zaporozhye Region. Today the main bulk of cargoes handled in port Berdyansk are meant for export. The most important cargo freight is scrap metal and metal products (wire, ingots, sheet metal, etc.). The main suppliers are Zaporozhye and Donetsk integrated iron and steel works. The metal transfer works are operated according to the plant know-how , which factor guarantees cargo security and increases the handling rate up to 2 times. Of no less importance is transfer of clay for making porcelain, coal and grain. The port’s general area comprises 274,816 sq. m, including 168,160 sq. m of the operational area. Each port berth has railway and road approaches. There are 9 berths in the port. |
| LALEX, PE | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | 65091, 26, Yuzhnaya Str., Odessa | | | We provide international freight forwarding services by rail and road, as well as ferries Ilyichevsk - Batumi, Ilyichevsk - Varna, Ilyichevsk - Derince, Kerch - Poti and Baku - Turkmenbashi and Baku - Aktau. Company also provides loading and unloading services from rolling stock all over Ukraine. We also develop loading plans and load security plans. |
| KAMENSKA ÑOLONY NO 101, STATE ENTERPRISE | | Industry | Multi-industrial event | Address | 70050, Kamyanoe village, Vilnyansky district, Zaporozhye region | | | The main production areas of Kamenskaya Colony State Enterprise No 101 are: rock processing industry (paving, curbs, gravel, monuments) and light industry (sewing clothes, bedding, etc.). We have a license for developing Yantsevskiy deposit of gray granite |
| UKRNEFTEEKOTEHNOLOGII, LLC | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 73008, 125 Ladychuka st., Kherson | | | The company "Ukrnefteekotehnologii" works in the construction sector stations. Range of services: design and construction of oil storage facilities, delivery of tanks and equipment for oil storage facilities, manufacture of metal structures, production tanks. |
| TEXHA, PA, LTD | | Industry | Multi-industrial event | Address | 2125, 13/2, Perova ave, Kiev | | | Modern world level hi-tech equipment for agriculture: reliable and practical equipment made of high-quality zinc-coated steel with triple safety factor. Cages. Production of welded, galvanized mesh fences. |
| PRODTRADE, PRIVATE COMPANY | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 33028, 32/22 Soborna Str., Rivne | | | Export of wood sawdust pellets and cakes, sunflower husk and other raw materials (2306300000 code). Agrarian products (vegetables, fruit, oil-yielding crops). |
| ISTA, TRADE HOUSE, LTD | | Industry | Transportation | Address | , 29A, Elektrikov Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04176 | | | NAC ISTA is the producer of lead-acid accumulator batteries with full cycle. The quality control system of NAÑ ISTA enterprises is certified according to the ISO/TS 16949:2002. Starter accumulator batteries, stationary batteries, traction and special accumulator batteries. |
| ISKOZH-2000, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY | | Industry | Multi-industrial event | Address | 69034, 1 Tsymlyanska str., c. Zaporizhzhya | | | Production of polypropylene fabric, upholstery fabrics, haberdashery materials coated with PVC, , tent constructions, bumvinyl. |
| UKRINTERENERGO, STATE FOREIGN TRADE COMPANY | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 04080, 85, Kirillovskaia Str., Kyiv | | | Export and transit of electric power, generation of electric and heat power, ensuring the export of Ukrainian energy complex products; management of projects in the power engineering field, consulting services in the electricity sector. |
| SPECTEHAVIARESYRS, LLÑ | | Industry | Transport and shipping services | Address | -, Kyiv region, Makarov, 51th-km Kyiv-Zhitomyr trassa | | | Rental of construction, mainly excavation machinery. |
| CONTACT, PE | | Industry | Multi-industrial event | Address | 12114, 3 Irshanskaya Str., Nova Borova town, Volodarsk, Zhytomyr region | | | Articles of stone (marble, granite, gabbro, labradorite): tile, window sills, stairs, balusters, columns, rock, block paving, vases, sculptures, monuments, fountains, fireplaces, stone blocks. Selection and accumulation of blocks from natural stone Ukrainian deposits.oaks sawn timber, plank, boards for furniture and parquet industry |
| IRITA-PLUS LTD | | Industry | Multi-industrial event | Address | 49019, 30 .Udarnikov Str., Dnepropetrovsk, 49019 | | | Garden tools and inventory. Zinc-plated products and houseware. Locks and ironware. Hand tools. Paintwork materials. Paintwork tools. Aluminum tableware. Glass products and houseware. Plastic products and houseware. Enameled houseware. Sanitary ware. Concomitant products |
| PROFILE TECHNOLOGYS, LTD | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 02099, 9 Borispolskaya Str., Korpus 24A, 2rd floor, Kiev | | | The company presents full range of plastering profiles such as aluminium corners, plaster beards, PCV corners, range of meshes, stripes and so on. |
| HIPRO, GROUP | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 01601, of. 203-B, 22-24 Hoholivska Str., Kyiv | | | HIPRO GROUP is an Ukrainian producer of modular formwork for solid house building. HIPRO GROUP offers: manufacture and delivery of modular formwork on customer’s request; elaboration and manufacture of the special types of formwork and non-standard building equipment; consultations and technical maintenance of the forms at the construction. Representative offices in Zaporizhzhia (Prydneprovsky region and Crimea), Odessa, Kharkiv. Dealers in Russian Federation and Belarus. |
| FAGOT PLUS, PRIVATE ENTERPRISE | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 94505, 2, Kislorodnaya Str, Krasnyi Luch, Lugansk Region | | | Fagot brick plant is a multi-profile company dealing with production of construction materials for more than 20 years. Fagot brick plant is the innovating Ukrainian and CIS company implementing the new concrete brick production technologies. Various geometric forms, clear lines, high solidity and application of innocuous coloring agents make Fagot brick and tile a perfect material for facing of facades and plinths of various buildings and constructions. All Fagot products are of high quality, resistant to any weather conditions, have diverse texture, colors and geometric forms as well as excellent performance data. High-quality facing brick and façade tile under Fagot trademark is produced according to the technology of semidry hyper-pressing of natural material, namely the shell limestone. Products: High-quality facing brick. Fence brick. Faç ade tile. Plinth tile. |
| SHPAT, SUBSIDIARY OF AGROMAT CO. | | Industry | Minerals | Address | 13030, Mala Tokarivka village, Romanivskiy district, Zhitomirskiy region | | | Shpat Subsidiary was founded in 1997. The local deposit is known as “Gorniy”. Main field of business is output and further processing of pegmatite. “Shpat “ is involved in supplying of pegmatite to enterprises that are in porcelain and faience business, to companies that deal with building ceramics and studio pottery. Potash feldspar dominates in “Gorniy” deposit. Colour of feldspar varies from pink to red. |
| V.M.GLUSHKOV INSTITUTE OF CYBERNETICS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE | | Industry | Other services | Address | 03680, 40, Akademika Glushkova Av., Kiev | | | The main directions of the Institute’s activities:Development of the general theory and methods of system analysis, mathematical simulation, optimization and artificial intelligence;Development of the general control theory, as well as methods and remains to construct various-purpose intelligent control systems of different levels; Creation of the general theory of computers and development of the advanced facilities used in computer science and engineering, artificial intelligence and information science; Creation of advanced general-purpose and application-oriented mathematical support system; Development of new information technologies and intelligent systems; Study of fundamental and application problems cjncernedwith information support provided for the society. |
| MINISTRY OF ECONOMY OF THE AUTONOMOUS REPUBLIC OF THE CRIMEA | | Industry | Other services | Address | 95005, 13 Kirov Ave., Simferopol, the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea | | | Ministry of Economy of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea coordinates regional development of the Crimea, investment and foreign trade activity, small business, complex disposal and development of productive forces, nature management, capital (state) investments, state price and tariff policy ect.
Target audience: investors, importers of different branches, Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
| INTERNATIONAL TURKISH UKRAINIAN BUSINESSMEN ASSOCIATION | | Industry | Other services | Address | 01032, Of. 4, 112-A, Saksaganskogo Str., Kiev | | | The idea of founding International Turkish Ukrainian Businessmen Association (hereinafter called “TUID”) was born in March 2004. Thanks to diligence of few Turkish businessmen and moral support of our Embassy at the beginning of September in accordance with Ukrainian law system we were registered as a non profitable organization.
The 4th Board of TUID with Mr. Ercan Bekar at the helm, newly elected at the General Meeting of TUID, held on 7th March 2009, will continue concentrating upon progressing and increasing Association’s activities.
TUID accepts individual/corporate members. We pay special attention to the fact that our candidates provide active business activity in Ukraine. We ask copies of company registration document, passport-visa and tax ID code as complimentary documents. On the other hand, only one member from each individual company can be a member of TUID. Thus, the number of our members corresponds to the number of companies registered in TUID. Presently the total number of our members is 130.
Main principle of TUID is to coordinate both side businessmen in order to increase the volume of trade. Our first priority is to respect legislation and concentrate on doing business in a fair environment.
You can always reach us via our Secretary General Mrs. Larysa Baskan (+38 063 222 4 888) as well as via our web site www.tuid.org.ua or info@tuid.org.ua
Target audience: construction, telecommunications, textile, banking to retail trade and purchasing raw materials |
| INNOVATION CENTER | | Industry | Other services | Address | 01601, 54, Volodymyrska St., Kyiv | | | Research and science-organization activities of the Innovation Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is aimed at accelerating R@D progress in various sectors of the national economy; developing top priority branches of science, technology and economy in various regions of Ukraine, ensuring the appropriate environment for their sustainable innovation-based development.
Main areas of research and science-organization activities of the Center include:
- Conducting studies on the development of principal organization forms of research, R@D and innovation operations in Ukraine;
- Analyzing the needs of regional economies of Ukraine for scientific backup, as well as possibilities of Ukrainian science to meet those needs;working out proposals concerning efficient involvement of scientific potential to resolving relevant regional problems;
- Expert, scientific, organizational and informational support to R@D cooperation between NAS and the regions of Ukraine;
- Coordination, science-organizational and methodological provision of the regional science centers of NAS and the Ministry for Science and Education of Ukraine;development scientifically substantiated proposals to improve the NAS regional structure;
- Organizing and conducting integrated scientific studies on issues that are important to economic, social and cultural development of the city of Kyiv and the North-Western region of Ukraine.
| INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING THERMOPHYSICS OF NAS OF UKRAINE | | Industry | Other services | Address | 03057, Of. 102, 2A, Zhelyabova Str., Kiev | | | The main directions of engineering and research activity
- Fundamental research works on thermophysical processes in heat power equipment; utilization of conventional sources of energy.
Technologies and equipment for: - Processing, drying and storage of agricultural products;
- Production of concentrated dairy, vegetable and fruit products;
- Production of prophylactic sanative foods for people suffering imm suffering immune sickness and hormone dependency
Modern power- and resource saving technologies and equipment for small and municipal power , for construction, food, perfumery, pharmaceutical and other branches of industriesThermophysical measurement devices and systems
Basic directions of researches:
- Thermophysical research of processes in heat power equipment at the use of the traditional and renewable sources of energy and development of methods its efficiency reliability and ecological safety raise
- Development of heat exchange theory and its application for the raise of efficiency of processes of transfer and heat use in machinery and devices of a new technique
- Development of theory of heat and substance transfer for effectivenese raise of the acnive and engineering of the principal new energy and rresource saving heat technologies
- Development of theory of heat quantities measurement and its application at engineering of the new thermophysical devices and systems for raise of the metrologic maintenance of power and other heat engineering equipment operation
Key developments:Thermotransformers for Heat and Cool Supply.
Introduction of thermotrans-formers for heat and cool supply:
- Absorbtion thermotransformer for industry of thermal efficiency equal to6 mW
- Absorption thermotransformer for heat and cool supply of the administrative and housing building of area up to 500 m2
- Thermocompressor grain dryer for seeds by thermal efficiency equal to 15 kW
Thermocompressor dryer for thermal labial material in a closed circuit with thermal efficiency equal to 2,5 kW
Development and Introduction of Power Saving High Technological Equipment for Preparation of Medicines
Mobile installation “Farmatron”-3000 is intended for homogenization and dispersion of suspension and emulsion at the enterprises of pharmaceutical and other branches of industry. The installation is used for production of soft medicine forms: liniment, ointments, suppositories, creams etc.
Thermophysical devices for heat energy and building industry
Devices are appointed to the control and decline of thermal losses, optimization of the operations’ modes of energy rquipment, of fuel resources’ economy, improvement of ecological indexes.
Universal individual heat point Conception of the ²HP functioning is the automatic regulation of heat supply according to the set algorithm with the purpose of energy consumption’s diminishment
Fire-resistance analysis of building constructions of new safe confinement over the 4th block of Chernobyl nuclear power
Analysis of the thermal state of building constructions during a fire. The purpose is prognostication of their destruction and choice of facilities and optimum parameters of the fire protection systems.
Technology of monogranulation of heterogeneous environments. Monogranulyator.
Technology of identical granules receipt is based on the method of the monodispersion crushing of liquid stream. It is developed in IET NAS of Ukraine. Technology found wide application in productions of granular matters, in particular mineral fertilizers (ammoniac saltpetre, carbamide, NPK-fertilizers). It is effective used in productions of the imitated granular food products, in particular such as black caviar
List of countries, which organization co-operates with (transfer of technologies and etc.): USA, UK, France, Germany, China, India, Bulgaria, Poland, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Japan, Netherlands, Denmark, Vietnam
Having a special purpose audience: Scientists, Engineers, Managers |
| THE GAS INSTITUTE OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE | | Industry | Other services | Address | 03113, 39, Degtyarevskaya Str., Kiev | | | The Gas Institute during more than 60-years period of its activity executes fundamental researches in applied combustion theory, thermodynamics of hydrocarbon systems, theory of metallurgical processes, heat exchange in furnaces, at al. and implements its developments in heat and power engineering, metallurgy, gas industry, mechanical engineering, building materials industry, municipal engineering. The Institute has more than 200 such developments implemented at the enterprises of Ukraine, former Soviet Union and a number of foreign countries including USA, India, Iran, Hungary, Algeria. Latest Institute developments directed to the utilization of renewable and non-traditional energy sources (landfill gas, biogas, domestic waste, coal-bad methane at al.) in electrical and heat and power engineering, on transport, in metallurgy.
At present time the basic lines of Institute researches are:- developing of energy- and re-source saving technologies in different sectors of the national economy on basis of increase natural gas use efficiency;
- developing of the off-balance energy carriers treatment and use technologies on transport and energy installations for distributed heating and power supply;
- factory and domestic waste processing,environment protection from pollutions.
Key developments: Natural gas use in industry
- shaft furnace for calcinations;
- heating furnace of pusher type with flat-flame burners;
- furnace for non-metallic and industrial wastes melting
Natural gas use in heat and power engineering - ñontact water heaters with filling;
- boiler plant with gas-fire boiler 1,5 and 2,5 MV capacity;
- small cost reconstruction of hot-water PTWM-50 and PTWM-100 boilers
Gas fuels use on transport - motor-car gas-filling compressor stations;
- mobile small motor-car gas-filling compressor station;
- fuel-filling column for motor-cars filling by compressed gas
Gas and steam-turbine technology “AQUARIUS” Reciprocating gas power stations - automatic gas power stations of 2õ4 KW capacity;
- biogas power station of 60 KW capacity;
- gas power station of 300 KW capacity
Industrial and domestic waste processing - plant for cleaning of biogas from domestic wastes city dumps;
- electric arc steam plasma conversion technology of garbage and carbon containing raw materials;
- technology of liquid wastes including phenolic water thermal neutralization.
Target auditorium: energy- and resource saving technologies in heat and power energetic, building materials industry, on transport, in gas industry. Latest technologies of fuel use in industry. Renewable and non-traditional energy sources utilization.
List of countries that can hold an interest in the Gas Institute of NAS of Ukraine developments- Metallurgy industry: Iran, India, Turkey, Hungary, Russia, Byelorussia
- Heat and power engineering: Russia, Byelorussia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland, Kazakhstan, Moldova
- Biogas utilization: USA, Canada, Czech Republic, Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova
| MINERAL, CJSC | | Industry | Minerals | Address | 70605, 28, Karyernaya Str., Pologi, Zaporozye Region | | | Every year the enterprise mines about 380 000 tons of clay, 350 000 tons of kaolin and 470 000 tons of sand. Useful storage amounts to 35 mln tons. Range of products: Secondary kaolin. Kaolin ground to powder. Ceramic kaolin. Fireclay. Molding sand. Mortar sand. Ceramic mixture. Ceramic body for clinker bricks. |
| AKW, UKRAINIAN KAOLIN COMPANY | | Industry | Minerals | Address | 22130, 1, ul. Zavodskaya, Glukhovtsy, Kazatinskiy District, Vinnitsa region | | | The AKW Ukrainian Kaolin Company is located in Gluhivzi, Vinnitza obl. The AKW Ukrainian Kaolin Company is a subsidiary of the international active Quarzwerke-Group, a successful German company, involved in the extraction, processing and refining of kaolin. The international customers are mainly in the paper, ceramic, glass and construction industries |
| INTERAN, STATE FOREIGN TRADE FIRM OF THE NATIONAL AÑADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE | | Industry | Other services | Address | 01601, Of. 435, 54, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine | | | Activities of InterAN, the State Foreign Trade Firm of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is acceleration of scientific and technical progress of the national economy, presentation of main branches of science in Ukraine and abroad; creation of necessary conditions for commercialization of the National Academy Institutions’ developments.
Main directions of activities:
development and making proposals regarding effective forms of presentation and application of scientific developments;
expert, organizational, and informational accompaniment of scientific and technical cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, regions of Ukraine and overseas;
arranging trade fairs and congress events, marketing;
creating the data base of scientific developments of Institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
holding the necessary consultations during conclusion a contract. |
| GIPROKOKS, STATE INSTITUTE FOR DESIGNING ENTERPRISES OF COKE OVEN AND BY-PRODUCT INDUSTRY | | Industry | Other services | Address | 61002, 60, Sumskaya Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine | | | Giprokoks is one of the world’s leading engineering companies and the only design organization in the CIS that performs the comprehensive development of the design documents in the field of construction and reconstruction of the coke oven and by-product plants (80 years in worldwide metallurgy).
Many coke oven and by-product enterprises have been built to the Institute’s designs and have been successfully operated in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, India, Egypt, Finland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Algeria and other countries. The first Coke Oven and By-Product Plants of China, India, Turkey, Iran and other countries are based on the ideology and design concepts of the Institute. In total 59 coke oven and by-product plants in 25 countries have been built to Giprokoks’ designs and licences.
Giprokoks is actively cooperating with Ukrainian and foreign companies – coke producers, manufacturers and suppliers of the coke oven equipment and refractory materials for coke oven batteries as well as with many scientific-research, design organizations, construction and erection enterprises. (key partner in Turkey – Iskenderun Iron & Steel Works Company).
Giprokoks assures that all its developments meet the provisions of Ukrainian, Russian, European and international standards. In 2001 Giprokoks was the first among the design agencies of Ukraine, who was certified by the international body “Lloys’s Register Quality Assurance” as to “Design documentation quality management system” worked out pursuant to DSTU ISO 9001-2001. |
| INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE ZAPORIZHZHYA, LLC | | Industry | Minerals | Address | 69057, 129, Pobedy Str., Zaporozhye | | | Flake graphite. Amorphous graphite and graphite powders. Colloidal graphite preparations. Technological lubricants. Additives. Building materials. |
| IVANO-FRANKIVSK CEMENT, OJSC | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 77422, Yamnytsya Village, Tysmenytsya District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region | | | Products: Portland-cement ShTC, wave asbestos-cement plates, plane asbestos-cement plates, asbestos-cement pipes, medical plasters |
| UKRPOLYMERKONSTRUCTION, LTD | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 02093, 26-d, Boryspolskaya Str., Kiiv | | | Ukrpolymerconstruction LTD is one of the biggest producers of polyethylene pipes.
The Company supplies building objects with polyethylene pipes, proper armature and services in planning and designing pipelines for gas and water supply.
At present, Ukrpolymerconstruction LTD possesses high-capacity up-to-date production facilities.
On the area of 4,200 sq. meters, there are 8 production lines that can process more than 12,000 tons of polyethylene material per year. To store our finished production and raw material, we have over 1,000 sq. meters of storage facilities.
The certified laboratory of our plant exercises regular quality inspection of raw materials and output products. It is equipped with tearing machine and hydraulic testing equipment.
Production assortment of Ukrpolymerconstruction LTD:
• Gas-supply stand-pipes O 16-400 mm • Water-supply stand-pipes O 16-630 mm • Pipes for the sewage system, irrigation, monolithic building • Protective pipes for optical channels, telecommunications channels • Welded shaped products
All production of Ukrpolymerconstruction LTD is certified by state system of UKRSEPRO and ISO system. Pipes are made of high-quality raw materials PE-80 and PE-100 of leading world manufacturers of polyethylene (Sabik, TVK, LG). The warranty-covered economic life of pipes constitutes not less than 50 years |
| MITTAL STEEL KRIVOY ROG, OJSC | | Industry | Steel products | Address | 50095, 1, Ordzhonikidze str., Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine | | | The largest full-cycle metallurgical enterprise of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine, unique in its scale and opportunities, encompassing the following production plants: Coke and By-Product Plant, Mining and Benefication Complex, Mine Department for Iron-Ore Deep Mining, and Metallurgical Complex consisting of the Sinter and Blast-Furnace, Steelmaking, Rolling Process Stages |
| ELEKTROSTAL, LLC | | Industry | Steel products | Address | 85612, 70, Promyshlennaya zona Str., Kurakhovo, Donetsk Region | | | Own steel-melting comlex of Donetsk Metal-Rolling Plant |
| | ENAKIEVO STEEL PLANT, CJSC | | Industry | Steel products | Address | 86429, 9, Metallurgists Ave, Yenakiyevo, Donetsk Region | | | The company specializes in the production of continuous casting and hot-rolled billets and long products from low-carbon and low alloy steels by world standards. |
| POLTAVA MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Minerals | Address | 39802, 16, Stroiteley Str., Komsomolsk, Poltava Region | | | The Company specializes in the complete production cycle from iron ore mining to iron ore pellet production, which is used in steel making process. The Company handles the complete production cycle from iron ore mining to iron ore pellet production – treated iron for metallurgical works. The raw material base of the Company includes the ore fields of the Kremenchug magnetic anomaly – exploitation being carried out with one mine.The total reserves of deposits are 2,43 bn tones. Currently two deposits – Gorishne-Plavninsky and Lavrikovsky – are mined by one. The first workings are conducted at the Erisovsky deposit for the further pit contraction. Iron ore extraction, production of concentrate, crushed rock and pellets are carried out in the processing plant comprising crushing, concentrating and pelletizing equipment. |
| NORTHERN MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Minerals | Address | 50079, 1, Ordzhonikidze Str., Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region | | | One of the largest mining companies in Europe with a complete cycle of training materials for the steel industry: iron ore concentrate and pellets. Annual production capacity at the plant today is more than 13.3 million tons of iron ore concentrate and more than 11 million tons of pellets |
| DNEPROPETROVSK IRON AND STEEL WORKS, OJSC | | Industry | Steel products | Address | 49064, 3, Majakovsky str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine | | | Dnepropetrovsk iron and steel works named after Petrovsky - based in 1887 and it is one of the leading Ukrainian enterprise manufacturing pig iron, steel and rolled products. |
| DONBASS FUEL AND ENERGY COMPANY, LLC | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 83001, 161, Cheluskintsev Str, Donetsk | | | DTEK is a vertical integration of enterprises that build up an efficient production chain, from coal production to electric power generation and distribution. |
| FERKO, LTD | | Industry | Multi-industrial event | Address | 04050, room 101, Building 2, 01/17, Hlubochytskaya Str, Kiev, Ukraine, 04050, | | | Trade in metal products, grain, scrap metal |
| EUROCEMENT GROUP-UKRAINE, OJSC | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 64200, Balakleya, Kharkov region, Promploschadka | | | OAO EUROCEMENT group – UKRAINE excersises administration of Ukraine plants integrated in the Russian holding: Balcem (Kharkov region) and Kramatorsky cement plant – Pushka (Donetsk region). Also it’s scope of responsibility includes realization of investment and environmental programs, upgrading and technical retooling of plants. It is planned to invest approximately 27,5 mln dollars in these projects for the period of 2007. Capacity of ZAO EUROCEMENT group plants is approximately 5 mln tonnes per year. ISO 9001:2008. |
| METINVEST HOLDING, LLC | | Industry | Multi-industrial event | Address | 83048, 130.1, Business center "Donetsk City", Artema Str., Donetsk, 83048, Ukraine | | | The Group comprises 20 industrial companies leading in mining and steel industry of Ukraine and CIS. In Europe Metinvest is represented by Ferriera Valsider and Metinvest Trametal – Italian re-rolling companies and British carbon steel plate producer Spartan UK. The acquisition of Bulgarian Promet Steel is to be accomplished soon. From coal mining and metallurgical coke production, iron ore mining and production of iron ore and flux steelmaking raw materials downstream to crude steel production and manufacture of rolled products and pipes. Coke and chemicals: BF coke. Coke nut. Coke fines. Carbonaceous tar. Carbonaceous pitch for electrodes (melt and granulated). Benzene for further processing. Crude coal benzene. Carbonaceous stripping oil. Ammonium sulphate. Crude naphthalene. Carbonaceous carbolic acid. Crude carbonaceous orthocresol, tricresol, dicresol. Xylenols. Fuel oil and etc. |
| MAKEEVKA STEEL STRUCTURES (MZMK), OJSC | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 86101, 1, Garazhnaya Str., Makeevka, Donetsk Region | | | •Metal constructions of vertical cylindrical tanks with the capacity from 100 m³ up to 75,000 m³ for the storage of oil products, chemical products, molasses, liquid fertilizers and water. •Metal constructions of one and double shell horizontal cylindrical tanks with the capacity from 10 m³ up to 100 m³. •Structural metal constructions, frame constructions for industrial and civil purposes (including columns, ¬oor beams, girders, straps, summers). •Smoke stacks. •Silos and bunkers for bulk materials. •Metal constructions of blast furnace plants (including dust collectors, bin trestles, blast furnace casings). •Transport galleries and malls. |
| KIEV, SANATORIUM | | Industry | Tourism | Address | 98600, 26, Chehova str., Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine | | | The sanatorium is located in the central historical part of Yalta city. Convenient walking distance to the beach: 200 m. |
| MISKHOR SE CLINIC SANATORIUM CJSC UKRPROFZDRAVNITSA | | Industry | Tourism | Address | 98671, Crimea, Yalta, Koreiz settlement, Alupka drive, 10 | | | Sanatorium Miskhor is situated in 15 km from Yalta, in the beautiful subtropical park. Miskhorsky park is an eminent garden art memorial of late XVII century. There is a famous palm alley right in the centre of the park, founded by Naryshkin Prince. There are outstanding sights in the vicinity of the sanatorium: Swallow’s nest, cableway to the top of the Ai-Petri mountain, Vorontsovsky palace. |
| ZORI UKRAINY, SANATORIUM COMPLEX | | Industry | Tourism | Address | 98682, Crimea, Yalta, Simeiz settlement - 2 | | | The health resort is located in Simeiz settlement on the half way from Yalta to Sevastopol. The building is only in 100 meters away from the sea, in the picturesque mountain amphitheatre surrounded by the marvelous park. The sanatorium is situated at the foot of the main chain of Crimean Mountains. |
| PRIBREZHNY BOARDING HOUSE, CJSC | | Industry | Tourism | Address | 98654, Crimea, Yalta, Otradnoye settlement | | | The Holiday Hotel is located in Nizhny Magarach place, former manor of earl Orlov-Davydov. |
| KIROV HOLIDAY CENTER | | Industry | Tourism | Address | 98600, Crimea, Yalta, Kirova Street, 39 | | | The sanatorium is located in the center of Yalta city in the unique historical place: a Barayatinski manor of XIX century "Selbilyar" ( "Callitris Grove"). Sanatorium Kirov is focused on treatment of respiratory diseases, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The pride of the resort of Yalta Kirov Holiday Center is a consultative and diagnostic center (CDC) - the only one in Yalta on the number and range of services. |
| PONIZOVKA, SANATORIUM | | Industry | Tourism | Address | , 9, Primorskaya str., Ponizovka settlement, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine | | | The sanatorium is distanced 40 km to the West from Yalta on the territory of a picturesque park. The small settlement named Ponizovka is located near to the most southern point of Crimea and bordered by capes Kikeneiz and Uzun. |
| SOSNOVAYA ROSHCHA (PINE GROVE), SANATORIUM | | Industry | Tourism | Address | 98661, Crimea, Yalta, Gaspra settlement, Alupka drive, 21 | | | The sanatorium is located in the centre of Miskhor town. Former hunting house of prince Yusupov. Treatment and recreating centre. Cosy beach, perfectly equipped boat station with all modern water entertainments, a sports - training hall, billiards, winter garden, sauna, bars, cinema hall, library, pool with artificial falls and etc. |
| BELORUSSIA, SANATORIUM | | Industry | Tourism | Address | 98671, Crimea, Yalta, Koreiz settlement, Mishor sloap, b. 2 | | | The sanatorium is located on the territory of the picturesque park with the area of 8,5 ha. Height above sea level: 100-150 m. Convenient walking distance to the beach: 600 -750 m. |
| ARTEK INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S CENTER | | Industry | Tourism | Address | 98645, Crimea, Yalta, Gurzuf settlement, Leningradskaya Street, 41 | | | International Children's Center "Artek"(1925) is located on the coast of the Black Sea,6 km along the coast from the western foot of Aju-Dag Mt. up to the settlement of Gurzuf.In 2004 it was officially recognized by UNESCO as a site for implementation of international projects, in particular, during the UN Decade of Education (2005-2014). |
| BURSHTYN UKRAINY, STATE ENTERPRISE (UKRAINIAN AMBER) | | Industry | Minerals | Address | 33027, 94, Kyjivska Str., Rivne | | | Burshtyn is the unique enterprise in Ukraine that carries out amber mining and processing. The enterprise offers wide range of goods made of amber and jewellery in the combination of amber and silver: necklaces, bracelets, ear-rings, coulombs, broaches, pendants, clips, rings. Also there are pictures, icons, portraits, which are manufactured of amber crumb |
| VOLYN-CEMENT, OJSC | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 03083, 26 Chervonopraporna 26 Str., Kiev | | | As in the past the plant not only produces cement that is widely used in industrial and housing construction it also still makes special oil-well cements for the needs of the petroleum and gas industry. Volyn-Cement OJSC (former Zdolbunovskiy cement-slate combinate) has a designed production capacity that exceeds 2 million tons of cement per annum. It is and always was one of leaders of the Ukrainian cement industry by product quality and output. In 2001 a controlling share in the Open Joint-Stock Company Volyn-Cement was purchased by the German industrial group Dyckerhoff AG. |
| KAMENETS-PODOLSKIY FORESTRY, STATE COMPANY | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 32300, 30, Shevchenko Str., Kamenets-Podolskiy, Khmelnitskiy Region | | | Decorative planting stock, round timber, technological firewood, as well as wood processed products logs, lumber etc) |
| | ELIZ, LLC | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 69093, 9, Zvenigorodskaya street, Zaporozhie, Ukraine | | | Transformers, substations, ETC, CSR, Reactors, Magnetic, cathodic protection, Spec. Equipment, Stabilizers |
| QUARTZ LTD. | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 69089, 68a, Istomina street, Zaporozhye | | | Ðroduction of certified high-and low-voltage electrical equipment |
| DISCON LTD | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 83008, 1 Umova street, Donetsk, Ukraine | | | Electronic Components |
| KREATIV MBN, LLC | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 21007, Apt. 7, 48a, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., Vinnitsa | | | Export of wood briquettes and pellets, wood products : parquet, boards, etñ |
| AVANGARD-INVEST, LLC | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 69063, 4/40 Illyicha/Korova Str., Zaporozhye | | | One of the biggest charcoal manufacturers in Ukraine (hard wood charcoal, sales of ASh, AS, ÀÌ, ÀÎ, ÀÊÎ, Ò, G charcoal). Coke, pig iron, anthracite. |
| TRANSDRIVE, LLC | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 02668, Apt. 1D, Staroselskaya Str., Kiev | | | Charcoal production |
| MTK PLUS, LLC | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 69096, 44, Kakhovskaya Str., Zaporozhye | | | Ukrainian producer of briquet charcoal (Pini&Kay-shaped). |
| BAS, PF | | Industry | Energy carriers | Address | 61000, R. Lozovaya, Kharkov | | | Oak charcoal. 100 metric tons per month. |
| REDUCER, PE, SEC | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 03680, 8v, Pshenichnaya st., Kiev, Ukraine | | | Accessories and spare parts different, Drive equipment, Gearing, Hand winches, mechanical, Hand winches, underwater, Hoists, Motor-reducers, Reducers, Winches are electric, Winches worm hand-driven. Roller chains for conveyor belts and elevators. Cargo plate chains and etc. |
| VIVA TRADE CO., LTD. | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 86430, 91 Lenina Str., Yenakiyevo, Donetsk Region | | | Since 2008 our company branched out into new type of product - industrial oak and ash parquet. Also we offer saw-timbers of radial and tangential saw cut. Species of wood growing in Khabarovsk territory are the following: an ash-tree Manchurian, an oak Mongolian, an aspen, a fur-tree, a cedar, a birch yellow, a basswood, and an elm. All production is delivered as a dry (humidity of 8-10 %) planed sawn timber.The transport scheme of delivery of production in the countries of Europe is debugged. |
| GELIUS LTD, LLC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 49102, 1d, Budennogo Str., Dnepropetrovsk | | | Manufacture of corrugated board packaging. |
| | ORDZHONIKIDZE MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Minerals | Address | 53300, 11, Kalinina Str., Ordzhonikidze, Dnepropetrovsk Region | | | Ordzhonikidze Ore and Mining Works of Dnepropetrovsk region is the largest ore and mining works in Ukraine, which producing manganese ore. |
| ZAPORIZHIA FERROALLOY PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 69031, 11, Diagonalnaya Str., Zaporozhye | | | One of Europe largest producers of ferroalloys. Ferrosilicomanganese, ferrosilicon, ferromanganese, manganese metal. Moreover the plant produces metallurgical lime, sells ferro alloy slags, which are used predominantly in construction and building. Our ferro alloys are well known in CIS as well as in the whole world. Their quality is confirmed with the International quality standard ISO 9001. |
| PRIMTEKS PLUS, LLC | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 04080, 68, Konstantinovskaya Str., Kiev | | | Manufacturer of armchairs and chairs for offices, bars and cafes. |
| | FURNITURE TECHNOLOGIES, PE | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 04080, Of. 202, 102 Frunze Str., Kiev | | | Among leaders in sales of components for furniture |
| BELITSKAYA FURNITURE FACTORY, CJSC | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 08298, 1, Mebelnaya Str., Kotsyubinskoe, Kiev region | | | Production of furniture for home and office, wood |
| MAKEEV METALLURGICAL PLANT, JSC | | Industry | Steel products | Address | 86101, 47, Metallurgicheskaya Str., Makeevka | | | Òhe plant is an enterprise with a complete metallurgical cycle, the core of which is rolled produced on the wire mill "150" and section mill "390". |
| KERCH METALLURGICAL PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 98306, 12, V. Belik Str., Crimea, Kerch | | | Assorted enameled kitchen steel ware. Pots, kettles, mugs, bowls, buckets, pots, cans, trays, etc. |
| ILYICH IRON AND STEEL WORKS, OJSC | | Industry | Steel products | Address | 87504, 1, Levchenko Str., Mariupol | | | Cast and rolled slab. Hot rolled products of 4,0-8,0 mm thicness in plates and coils. Hot rolled products of 1,8-3,9 mm thicness in sheets and coils. General purpose hot rolled plate. Plates for ship buildings 0,5-2,0 mm thick cold rolled plate. Galvanized cold rolled sheets and coils. Seamless hot rolled pipes. Stright seam welded pipes. Flasks for compressed gases. |
| AVSEN, LLC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 01004, 25B, Gorkogo Str., Kiev | | | Manufacture of steel fiber for concrete reinforcement. To export our products to the countries of EC we have the right to put CE-marking and issue the Declaration of Conformity (according to the requirements of Directive 89/106/EEC (Construction Products). Company organised a factory production control system in compliance with ISO 9001:2008 (Certificate TNO Certification B.V.) |
| KREMENCHUK STEEL WORKS, OJSC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 39621, 141, Ivana Prihodko Str., Kremenchug, Poltava Region | | | Specializes in manufacturing cast parts for four-wheel and six-wheel bogies of freight cars, automatic coupling device, castings for KrAZ trucks and different castings for other enterprises of the industry and for its own repair needs. |
| KHARKIV INSTRUMENT-MAKING PLANT | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 61004, 99 October Revolution Street, Kharkiv, Ukraine | | | Accelerated wound healing apparatus, Accumulator chergers, Acoustic systems, Aluminium ingots, Apparatuses for local thermo-physiotherapy, Automatic telephone exchange digital electronic, Coagulators, Control systems, Cryosurgical devices, Door-locks |
| AGAT, LLC, PJCE | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 94700, 1, Communisticheskaya Str., Rovenki, Lugansk Region | | | Jewelry of gold and silver tableware. |
| | ZHYTOMYR FACTORY OF ROOFING AND ISOLATING MATERIALS JSC | | Industry | Construction services | Address | 10031, 1, Tankistov Str., Zhytomir | | | Paraffined paper GOST 9569-79, Foil asphalt-impregnated waterproofing paper TU U26.8-00292698-004-2005, Insulation Mastic (Trade Mark MBR-65, MBR-75, MBR-90, MBR-100) 15836-79, Roofing Pergamin, Hydroinsulatin Foll-izol, Wrapping Two-Ply Paper (Trademark DG-80) 8828-89, Casing-Paper (Bitumized) 515-77, Wrapping Paper Impregnated with Bitumen TU 21 U-077-95, Rolling Thermoizol TU 21 Ukraine 17-93, Mastic RBV-35 TU.UV.2.7.-21-138-97, Mastic RBV-25 TU.UV.2.7.-21-138-97, Resin accumulator mastic EP-10OST 16.0.686.369-76, Paraffined paper TU-13-00278787-001-95, Isomast - KIM - mastik, Isomast - KIM - Waterproofing adhesive, Covering Foll-izol (Trade Mark FK). |
| CORAL DOVBISKIY PORCELAIN FACTORY LLC | | Industry | Stone/glass | Address | 12724 , 1, Shorsa Str., Dovbysh, Baranivskiy District, Zhytomyr region | | | Production of porcelain tableware. Pottery and porcelain household. Glazed ceramics. Pottery and porcelain for household and catering. |
| |
| | MODITAL, AC | | Industry | Light industry | Address | 10008, 3, Zhuyka str., Zhytomyr | | | Production of women's leather footwear. |
| UKRAINE, PSC | | Industry | Light industry | Address | 10014, 16, Myru square, Zhytomyr region | | | We produce high-quality comfortable hosiery for all family. Our aim is satisfaction of buyers demand. Our experts constantly work at improvement of technology. We create collections using new kinds of raw materials. |
| LESYA, PCF, CJSC | | Industry | Light industry | Address | 11701, 3a, Radyanska Str., Novograd-Volynskiy, Zhytomyr region | | | Women’s clothing (trousers, skirts, blouses etc). |
| ARSANIYA, CJSC | | Industry | Light industry | Address | 11500, 9, Sosnovskogo Str., Korosten, Zhytomyr region | | | Light women’s overcoat: skirts, trousers, jackets. |
| MALYN PAPER FACTORY VAYDMAN, JSC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 11602, 66, Pryhodko Str., Malyn, Zhytomyr Region | | | Products: transformer insulating cardboard; capacitor and Electrolytic paper; paper for packaging fat-containing food products; cigarette paper; medical and technical purpose paper; filter paper; electric insulation paper; impregnation paper; Fenelon paper; paper for printing, packaging, background-repeat. |
| ZHITOMIR ÑARDBOARD PLANT, LLC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 10014, 7, Stanyshivska Area, Zhytomyr | | | Paper and cardboard, diamondback gasket and molded products from packaging, corrugated board and corrugated packing paper. |
| PAPIR-MAL, LLC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 11602, 2, Nemanihina Str., Malyn, Zhytomyr Region | | | Toilet paper (toilet paper rolls and the basis for toilet paper), technical paper (sturdy wrapping paper mark \\\"E\\\", with varying mass weight /1 sq.m., paper for corrugating, cardboard for flat layers of corrugated cardboard (liner), cardboard universal). |
| SLOVECHNO FORESTRY, AFFILIATE | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 11122, Slovechno, Ovrutskiy District, ,Zhytomyr Region | | | Wood in the rough, in logs, billets, twigs. Lumber. Wood sawn or chipped, other products of wood processing. Pine, oak, alder, birch. |
| RAIDUGA, MPTVP | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 11700, 3a, Radyanska Str; Novograd-Volinskiy, Zhytomyr region | |
| LISRESURS, LLC | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 11603, Pristantsiyne, Malynskiy District, Zhytomyr Region | | | Lumber: oak, pine wood |
| DNIPROVUD, JSC | | Industry | Wood, wood products | Address | 13313, 2a, Piontkovskogo Str., Berdychiv, Zhytomyr Rregion | | | Producer of solid furniture and engineered flooring |
| ELIZIUM PLAST, LLC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 11500 , 88, Kirova Str., Korosten, Zhytomyr Region | | | Nowadays our firm has proved in the market, as the manufacturer of the top-quality window sill from PVC in Ukraine, the company has a circle of the constant and reliable clients. The manufacture is located in Korosten (Zhitomyr region), the sales and management of the company are carried out from the head office, placed in Kiev. |
| TRUBOSTAL, ÑJSC | | Industry | Steel products | Address | 11500, 65, Shatrynska Str., Korosten, Zhytomyr Rregion | | | Specialize in production of round electric-welded pipes and steel pipes for different metalware, gas and water system. |
| METRA UKRAINE UKRAINE-CZEÑH JOINT VENTURE OF LLC | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 10001, 38, Dombrovskogo str., Zhytomyr region, Zhytomyr, Ukraine | | | Metra Ukraine produces gaging equipment for corporate energetic services. The certified output fetures high quality |
| BAGET, THE JEWELLY WORKS, LTD | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 83014, 20V Mushketovskaya Str, Donetsk | | | Production of gold ware with precious, semiprecious and synthetic jewels. |
| | GALIMPEX - GLASS AND MIRROR FACTORY, LLC | | Industry | Stone/glass | Address | 79007, 14, Balabana Str., Lviv | | | One of the largest in Europe producer of Glass Christmas Ornaments. Christmas glas decoration. Mirrows. |
| BIOL, LTD | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 72316, 21, Mychuryna Str., Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya Region | | | The manufacturer of cast aluminium utensils and utensils with non-stick cookware. Export to all CIS countries |
| STECLOPLASTIC, LTD | | Industry | Stone/glass | Address | 71116, 1, Donetska Str., Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhya Region | | | Leading construction materials trader |
| AZOV CABLE COMPANY, LTD | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 71101, 2k, Promyshlenna Str., Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhya region | | | The cables and wires, produce by the company are widely used in the building of surface vessels and submarines, at the drilling platforms and at the other objects with high safety requirements. |
| AZOVCABLE, CJSC | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 71101, 2i, Promyshlenna Str., Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhya region, Ukraine | | | One of the biggest manufacturers of wire-and-cable products in Ukraine and the CIS |
| RIN, LLC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 69600, 20 E, Secernoe Shosse, Zaporizhzhya | | | The Company has been working on the market of Ukraine and the CIS countries since 1993, has been manufacturing break-elongated sheets since 2001 and up to the present time it is the only one private manufacturer of such goods in Zaporozhye industrial region. |
| NEON ZAPORIZHZHYA | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 69083, 10, Vostochna Str., Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine | | | Production of electrical output |
| SELENA, PRODUCTION AND TRADE COMPANY, PJSC | | Industry | Light industry | Address | 69063, 6, Artema Str., Zaporizhzhya | | | Coat up. Raincoats, windcheaters. Suits. Summer combinations. Dresses. Jackets. Pants. Skirts. Uniforms. |
| PERETVORIUVACH PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Precision engineering | Address | 69069, 9, Dnipropetrovske shose, Zaporizhzhyae | | | Electronic devices and components - manufacture, sale |
| MOTOR SICH, OJSC | | Industry | Trancsport machine-building | Address | 69068, 15, 8 Marta Str., Zaporizhzhya | | | Aircraft engines, Industrial production and consumer goods |
| ZAPORIZHVOGNETRYV, OJSC | | Industry | Stone/glass | Address | 69106, 1, Pivnichne Ave., Zaporizhzhya | | | One of the largest high-quality refractory producers in Ukraine |
| ZAPOROZHKOKS, OJSC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 69600 , 4, Dyagonalna Str., Zaporizhzhya | | | Coke, coke oven gas and pitch coke |
| UKRGRAFIT, OJSC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 69600, 20, Yuzhnoe Shosse, Zaporozhye | | | The leading Ukrainian manufacturer of graphite electrodes for electric steel furnaces, ore-smelting furnaces and other types of electric furnaces, commodity carbon pastes for Soderberg electrodes, carbon-based lining materials for metallurgical, machine-building, chemical industries and others. |
| AZMOL, OJSC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 71114, 2, Shaumyana Str., Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhya Region | | | At present the Company manufactures more than 300 different commodity items: lubricating greases (conventional and complex lithium, calcium, barium, sodium, silica gel, and hydrocarbon); cutting technological agents (oil and water emulsion); motor, gear, preservative, and refrigerator oils; bitumen-like binding compositions for road construction; fattening materials for leather; metal and polymer packaging; autochemistry; paints and varnishes. |
| ZAPORIZHZHYA ABRASIVE WORKS OJSC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 69084, 44, Dymytrova Str., Zaporizhzhya | | | Zaporozhsky abrasivny combinat is the only manufacturer of grinding materials in Ukraine and is one of the biggest producers of abrasive materials in Eastern Europe. At present, the output capacity of the company ensures production of up to 24500 tons of abrasive tools of different brands meant for different purposes, featuring more than 1200 «type-and-size» characteristics. Presently, Zaporizhzhya Abrasive Combined Works is the largest manufacturer of boron carbide, hexagonal, graphite-like, wurtzite boron nitride. All the products of the enterprise are manufactured in accordance with the normative documents, drawn out in strict correspondence with the requirements of the State Standardization System of Ukraine and meet international standards. Glazing circles, glazing disks, edgeless glazing stripes are certified to be in correspondence with the safety norms of the Russian Federation Certification System. Abrasive tools are produced corresponding to the requirements of international standards, namely: ISO 525 (glazing circles), ISO 2220, ISO 3920, ISO 3921 (glazing bar). The goods for household purposes have hygienic certificates of the Russian Federation. |
| PLANT STOLOVYH PRYBOROV-DSS, LLC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 69008 , 83, Pivdenne Shose, Zaporizhzhya | | | 8 model lines, steel cooking battery of stainless steel, bar supplies and commercial kitchen accessories |
| TAVRIYA–MAGNA, LLC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 69063, 8, Lenina Pr-t, Zaporizhzhya | | | Projecting and manufacturing large and very large moulds for plastic and nonferrous alloy parts for automotive and other industry branches. |
| TOKMAK DIE FORGING PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 71709, 59, Kuybysheva Str., Tokmak, Zaporizhzhya Region | | | Manufacturing of press forging and stamping products for automobiles and agricultural machinery |
| RESEARCH AND INDUSTRIAL TOOL FACTORY OF POWDER METALLURGY DD UASNP, LTD | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 69095, 95/53, Lenin Av., Zaporozhye | | | Rolled long products: fitting, beam, pipe billet, calibration, wire rod, square, round, flat, sheet pile profile, rail, polished steel, drill steel, angle, steel ball, pit stand, channel, hexagon. Rolled steel sheets: cold rolled/hot rolled thin/thick sheet, galvanized sheet, stainless steel sheet, heat-resistant sheet, corrugated sheet, extruded sheet, cold-rolled/hot strip, black tin, tin-plated sheet, roll strip. Forgings: round, square, rectangular, washer, cylindrical shaft, brick, bandage, reeling ring, shaft-gear. Pipes: electric-welded pipe, seamless cold and hot-formed pipe, shaped pipe, stainless steel pipe. Wire: black wire, galvanized wire, welding wire, wire for cold heading, spring wire, high-resistant wire VR-1 VR-2, barbed wire, stainless wire, knitting wire. Mesh: knitted mesh, weaved mesh, twisted wire hexagonal mesh, stainless wire mesh. Special steels: spring steels, heat resistant steels, carbon tool steels, low-alloyed tool steels, steels for hitting tools, die cold stamp steels, die hot stamp steels, high-speed steels, powder steel, bearing steels, corrosion-resistant steels, heat resistant steels and alloys, steels for casting molds, carbide steels, titanium alloys. Steel powders: iron, tool steel, stainless steel, titanium, copper. Mining equipment and spare parts: cone crushers, jaw crushers, impact crushers, roll crushers, cylinder sleeves, tapered sleeves, crushing cone, a spherical thrust bearing, shaft gear, pinion gear on board, crusher parts, edge armor, distribution plate, grinding balls (cast iron, steel), tricone bit drill heads. Energy Equipment: centrifugal multistage pumps, multistage pumps, diesel engines, compressors, frequency actuators, vacuum switches, oxygen cylinders and other cylinders, electric engines, electric brushes, brush holders, stator sections. Devices for concentrators: a portable ultrasonic hardness meter, stepping seeker in assembly, measuring complex PH-meter, ground metal detector, metal detector, handheld ORP meter. Chemical products: bakelite lacquer, flotoreagent oxal, butyl xanthate potassium. |
| TALKÎ, TAVRIYS`KA CASTING COMPANY, LLC | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 72311, 4, Kakhovske Shosse, Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya Region | | | Tavrian casting company «TALKO» is an active enterprise with modern approaches to business in the field of casting production which incorporates the following production subdivisions: aluminum casting shop produces castings by means of chill casting and die casting. The shop capacity is 3500 tons of good castings per year // steel casting shop produces investment castings. The shop capacity is 320 tons of good castings per year // machine assembly shop produces parts and finished units. The capability of the company allows to design and to produce foundry tooling and equipment for machining castings. |
| ZAPORIZHZHYA TITANIUM AND MAGNESIUM INTEGRATED PLANT, STATE ENTERPRISE (RE ZTMC) | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 69600, 18, Teplychna Str., Zaporizhzhya | | | Spongy titanium, refined titanium tetrachloride, titanium mold castings, titanium ingots, ferrotitanium, titanium slag, sponge titanium hydride, germanium dioxide, germanium polycrystalline zone-refined, cast silic wares, germanium wares for optic details, oxygenium gaseous, nitrogen gaseous and liquid. |
| | ZAPOROZHYE STEEL-ROLLING PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 69600, 8, Pivnichne Ave., Zaporozhye | | | Steel and alluminium wire, wire netting, nails, steel enamelware |
| ZAPORIZHSTAL METALLURGICAL WORKS, OJSC | | Industry | Steel products | Address | 69008, 72, Yuzhnoye Shosse, Zaporozhye | | | Zaporizhstal Integrated Iron & Steel Works JSC is one of the largest industrial enterprises in Ukraine. Its products - HRC and CRC ( hot rolled coils and cold rolled coils ) - are well known and are in demand among customers at the domestic market and in many countries of the world. The main consumers of the Works’ products are welded tube producers, automotive, agricultural, transport engineering industries, producers of domestic appliances. |
| DNEPROSPETSSTAL, ELECTROMETALLURGICAL WORKS NAMED AFTER A. N. KUZMIN, JSC | | Industry | Ferrous and basic metals products | Address | 69008, 81, Yuzhnoe Shosse, Zaporozhye | | | Leading Ukrainian producer of special steels. We manufacture products in stainless, tool, high-speed, bearing and alloy structural steel grades as well as nickel-based heat-resistant alloys. Today DNEPROSPETSSTAL holds leadership positions in the market-places of Ukraine, the CIS as well as Europe and supplies its products to more than 50 countries. Active efforts are made to develop distribution channels in America and Asia. |
| SUMY FRUNZE NPO, PJSC | | Industry | Other machine-building | Address | 40004, 58 Gorky Str., Sumy | | | One of leading machine-building complexes in Europe manufacturing equipment for oil, gas and chemical industries. |
| RUBEZHNOE CARDBOARD & PACKAGE MILL, OJSC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 93010, 67, Mendeleyev Str., Rubezhnoye, Lugansk Region | | | JSC Rubezhnoye Cardboard and Packaging Mill is an integrated complex unit for the production of liner and fluting, corrugated board and corrugated boxes. |
| | DARNITSA, PHARMACEUTICAL FIRM, CJSC | | Industry | Pharmaceutical goods | Address | 02093, 13, Borispolskaya Str., Kiev | | | Biggest producer of medicals in Ukraine, leader on the domestic farmaceutical market. Export supplies – over 10 countries |
| KHARKIV STATE AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING COMPANY | | Industry | Trancsport machine-building | Address | 61023, 134, Sumskaya Str., Kharkov | | | One of the oldest aircraft manufacturers of Ukraine. The total numer of manufactured aircrafts exceeds 4000. The aircrafts are used in 23 countries. Taps, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boilers, tanks, cisterns, tanks or similar containers, including reduction and termorehuliruyuyuchi valves, radar equipment, radio navigation and radio equipment for remote control, compass, navigational instruments, motors and generators, condensers. Parts of the aircraft. |
| AZOVMASH, OJSC | | Industry | Trancsport machine-building | Address | 87535, 1, Mashinostroiteley Sq, Mariupol, Donetsk region | | | Unique scientific-production complex manufacturing equipment for production of iron and steel, metal mining equipment, handling machinery, railway tanks, freight cars (production capacity - up to 1000 pieces. / month), container-tanks, fuel servicing and energy saving machinery |
| AZOT, OJSC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 18014, 72, Pershotravneva Str., Cherkassy | | | One of the largest enterprises in Ukraine manufacturing mineral fertilizers, ion-exchange resins, caprolactam and other chemical products |
| CHIGIRIN CANNERY, LTD | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 20901, 8, Shevchenko Str, Chygyryn, Cherkasy Region | | | TM Chigirin . Pickled vegetables. Courgettes, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, juices, tomato paste and sauce. |
| CHUMAK, CJSC | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 74800, 3, Kozatska Str., Kakhovka, Kherson Region | | | Production of foodstuffs. Catsup, sauces, mayonnaises, tomato pastes, sunoil, canned vegetables and pasta. |
| SHEPETOVKA SUGAR REFINERY, JSC | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 30403, 31, Starokonstyantynivske Shose, Shepetivka, Khmelnitskiy Region | | | Highly productive manufacturer of sugar, molasses. |
| SHOSTKA CHEMICAL REAGENTS PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 41100, 100, Scherbakova Str., Shostka, Sumy Region | | | Versatile enterprise of the chemical industry delivering the wide assortment of production not only to Ukraine, but also in other countries of the world |
| STAROKRAMATORSKY MACHINE BUILDING PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Other machine-building | Address | 84302, 2, Gorkogo Str., Kramatorsk, Donetsk Region | | | One of the well-known companies in Ukraine and CIS countries, which specializes in manufacturing auxiliary, precision, rolling and press-forging equipment |
| | YASINOVATSKIY MACHINE BUILDING PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Other machine-building | Address | 86000, 31, Artema Vul., Yasynuvata, Donetsk Region | | | A leading manufacturer of road heading machinery for wide purposes on the territory of the NIS |
| NEMIROFF, UKRAINIAN VODKA COMPANY | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 22800, 31, Gorkogo Str., Nemirov, Vinnitsa Region | | | Leading producer of strong alcohol drincs in Ukraine. Exports to over 50 countries |
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| | DONETSK PASTA FACTORY, CJSC | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 83059, 111, Ilyicha Pr., Donetsk | | | Production of pasta, vermicelli, macaroni and etc. |
| KHARKIV BISCUIT FACTORY, ÑJSC | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 61017, 8, Lozivska Str., Kharkiv | | | The range of goods produced by the corporation includes biscuits (sugar, butter, short dough), crackers, wafers, wafer rolls, sponge-cakes, wafer cakes, caramels, coated and uncoated sweets, chocolate, marshmallow, toffee, marmalade and nougat. |
| BERDICHEV GARMENTS FACTORY, OJSC | | Industry | Light industry | Address | 13300, 1/2, Soborna Pl., Berdychiv, Zhitomyr Region | | | Production of high quality men`s overcoat: suits, jackets, trousers. |
| ROSA, KNITTING FACTORY, JSC | | Industry | Light industry | Address | 03038, 2/1, Nikolay Grinchenko Str., Kiev | | | Full cycle of knitted goods production. Knitted clothes for kids, women, men. Wide range of fabrics and artificial fur of different types and end uses. |
| OBOLON, CJSC | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 04655, 3, Bogatyrska Str., Kiev | | | Leading producer of soft alcohol drinks in Ukraine. Beer, soft drinks, mineral water, low alkohol drinks. |
| ROSHEN, CONFECTIONERY CORPORATION | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 04176, 26/9, Electrykiv Str., Kiev | | | Largest Ukrainian confectionery manufacturer. Its factories in Kiev, Vinnytsa, Mariupol and Kremenchug produce about 25% of all Ukrainian confectionery. Our product range comprises more than 200 kinds of sweets, chocolate, sugar candies, cookies, waffles, fruit jellies and cakes. The total production volume is more then 310 thousand tons of confectionery a year. |
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| TEXTERNO, OJSC | | Industry | Light industry | Address | 46010, 18, Textilna Str., Ternopil | | | The company Texterno is the unique textile enterprise of Ukraine with a complete production cycle. The textile plant Texterno consists of three plants involved in spinning, weaving and finishing. The open-end cotton yarn has a quality certificate of Belcoro (July 2005), and it is used for knitting and weaving production. The capacity of the plant is up to 1200 tons per month. The plant Texterno produces environmentally appropriate qualitative bleached, dyed and printed fabrics for household - bed linen for adults and children, house textiles; fabrics for work wear; fabrics with special finishing and furniture fabrics. The production of JSC Texterno is certified according to the standard ISO 9001 (June 2005) and corresponds to the international standards. |
| MIOS | | Industry | Other machine-building | Address | 82100, 71, Tryskavetska Str., Drogobych, Lviv Region | | | Press brake tooling |
| | TAVRIA, AGRO-INDUSTRIAL FIRM, OJSC | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 74905, 299, Dniprovskiy Pr., Nova-Kakhovka, Kherson Region | | | One of the major viticulturist-wine-making enterprises in Ukraine. |
| | ELOPAK, OJSC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 01001, Of. 12, 30 Gorodetskogo Str, Kyiv | | | One of the leading world producers of pack for liquid food products. |
| SVINETS, CJSC | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 85102, 1, B. Khmelnytskogo Str., Konstantynivka, Donetsk Region | | | Specialized metallurgical enterprise for lead & lead alloys production. |
| ARTYOMOVSK NON-FERROUS METALS PROCESSING PLANT, OJSC | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 84500, 42, Kirova Str., Artemovsk, Donetsk Region | | | Artyomovsk Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant, JSC is a leading Ukrainian and the CIS non-ferrous enterprise producing more than one thousand of sizetypes from one hundred of metal grades and alloys on copper, nickel and zinc bases. Rods, tubes, ingots, sheets. |
| LAZ (LVIV BUS PLANT), LLC | | Industry | Trancsport machine-building | Address | 03680, 7, Vasilenko Str., Kiev | | | The biggest Ukrainian bus- and trolleybus-making plant. Capacity: 7,000 items per year |
| CHASOV-YAR REFRACTORY WORKS, OJSC | | Industry | Stone/glass | Address | 06274, 1, Komsomolska Str., Chasiv Yar, Artemivsk District, Donetsk Region | | | One of the biggest manufacturers in Ukraine and in the CIS |
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| POLTAVA DIAMOND TOOLS, PJSC | | Industry | Stone/glass | Address | 36023, 71-B, Krasina Str., Poltava | | | Diamond grinding wheels; Diamond cutting wheels for use on concrete, reinforced concrete, granite, marble, ceramics and other materials; Diamond mounted points; Diamond hones; Diamond wheels for processing glass, crystal, and optical lenses; Diamond dressing sticks; Superabrasive boron nitride cutters; Resin-bond CBN wheels Diamond cutters; PCD wire-drawing dies; Diamond pastes for polishing metals, alloys, and non-metal materials; Electroplated diamond tools (drills, files, lapping tools, mounted points, needles). The companys quality control system is certified according to ISO 9001:2000. The sales and distribution system has been organized to maximize convenience for customers, with an extensive network of 25 distributors in the CIS and Baltic countries. |
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| | UKRPHARMEXPORT, LLC | | Industry | Pharmaceutical goods | Address | 02160, Of. 616, 7-A, Vozyednannya Pr., Kyiv | | | Exports of medicals, cosmetics and pharmaceutical substances |
| BLITZ-INFORM, HOLDING COMPANY, JSC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 02156, 25, Kioto Str., Kyiv | | | A leading position among the CIS’s cardboard-packaging manufacturers |
| STAKHANOV WAGON WORKS, OJSC | | Industry | Trancsport machine-building | Address | 94018, 67, Lenina Pr., Stakhanov, Lugansk Region | | | One of the most modern and promising enterprises of Ukraine, producing freight wagons |
| | DNIPROTYAZHMASH, OJSC | | Industry | Trancsport machine-building | Address | 46700, 3, Sukhiy Osrtriv Str., Dnipropetrovsk | | | Leading enterprise in the field of heavy machine-building |
| TETRA PAK, LTD | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 04080, 82, Mezhigirska Str., Kyiv | | | Tetra Pak is the world leader in providing integrated processing-, packaging- and distribution solutions as well as complete lines for the food industry. |
| UKRTECHNOPHOS, LLC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 33024, 370-V, Soborna Str., Rivne | | | Leading Ukrainian producer and supplier of blended mineral fertilizers |
| STIROLCHEMTRADE, OJSC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 84610, 10, Gorlivskoi Dyvizii, Gorlivka, Donetsk Region | | | Mineral fertilizer producer. Production and sale of liquid nitric fertilizers, ammonia, urea, ammonium nitrate, expandable, robust and general purpose polystyrene, UREA-formaldehyde concentrate, medical nitrous oxide (N2O); CO2. |
| SUMYKHIMPROM, OJSC | | Industry | Chemical industry commodities | Address | 40012, 12, Kharkivska Str., Sumy | | | Titanium dioxide and pigments. Yellow Iron Oxide. Mineral fertilizers. Superphosphate ammoniated. Ammophos (Monoammoniumphosphate). Diammoniumphosphate. Coagulants and cement industry. Aluminium Sulphate. Ferric Sulfate (III) Coagulant. Dechromator. Ferrous Sulfate technical. Activator granulated for cement industry. Sulfuric acid. Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid. Detergents and building materials. |
| GRAPHIA UKRAINA, CJSC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 18015, 2, Gromova Str., Cherkasy | | | Paper packaging for cigarettes and cigarettes blocks. Other paper and cardboard packaging. |
| YUNONA, LLC | | Industry | Stone/glass | Address | 04108, Of. 108, 2, Svobody Pr-t, Kyiv | | | One of our activities trends has become the producing of polymer-sand tile and paving slab |
| | FARMAK, LLC | | Industry | Pharmaceutical goods | Address | 04080, 63, Frunze Str., Kyiv | | | One of the oldest pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine manufacturing finished medicines and pharmaceutical substances |
| AZOVSTAL IRON AND STEEL WORKS, LLC | | Industry | Non-ferrous products | Address | 87500, 1, Leporskogo Str., Mariupol, Donetsk Region | | | One of the biggest wordwide-famous ISW of Ukraine. Among 3 top Ukrainian producers of iron, steel, and rolled steel. Exports to over 70 countries |
| NIBULON, LLC | | Industry | Agricultural commodities | Address | 54030, 9-B, Faliivska Str., Mykolaiv | | | One of the largest national producers and exporters of agricultural products (wheat food and fodder, barley, corn, rye, sunflower seeds, etc.). |
| KYIV CARDBOARD AND PAPER MILL, PSC | | Industry | Articles of pulp & printed matter | Address | 08700, 130, Kyivska Str., Obuhiv, Kyiv Region | | | One of the biggest European producers of cardboard and paper production |
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| UKRAINSKIY AVTOBUS, LLC | | Industry | Other machine-building | Address | 04080, 8, Novokonstyantynivska Str., Kyiv | | | Production of buses |
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